Monday, February 28, 2005

A Delightful Website

Please have a look at, an excellent site boasting such delights as the mango biscuit song, fearsome stomping kittens and a ditty about the dangers of being soluble. Enjoy.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Happy Happy Joy Joy...

Happy to be Joy Snedden and dead, thus spared the edifying spectacle of one's children squabbling over the family assets. The fragrant Fiona is reported to be challenging the will which already leaves her more than a fair share of the dosh, with her brother describing her as a "life-long sponger". And this hard on the heels of, according to the blatts, being dragged "kicking & screaming" into a paddy wagon after being sprung drink driving. What an ornament to the Liberal Party & Melbourne City Council. The sooner she departs, willingly or not, from both, the better.

Potato Guide #1

Using my laptop in daylight reveals gunge in & on the keyboard. Where does it come from? Obviously typing fingers leave a residue of skin cells & such, but there's some bright blue fluff in there that defies explanation. If it were beige or brown or green or pinkish I could put it down to detritus from some snack shoved into my gob while browsing for recipes, failing to learn Czech at U Gandalfa, looking up weird breeds of cats, cacking myself at far more interesting blogs than this, or playing solitaire. But bright blue? Blue food is pretty rare. It could be lint, but from what? Bright blue's not a colour seen much round this house. Where are the cotton buds?

Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Very Nice Night & Weird Stuff

Back to an old favourite for dinner this evening - Blue Tongue in Elwood - where the food was delish as per, but the previously savvy & amusing waiters seemed, except for one, to have been replaced by a phalanx of 14 years olds with complete humour bypasses. And the music was too loud. Am disturbed that this may mean the start of a descent into serious fogeydom.

The main topic of discussion was the cynicism or otherwise of the motives behind the breaking of the Tony Abbott Finds Adopted Son story to the Bulletin. One view was that Tone is backing his anti-choice crusade with the "thank god Daniel wasn't aborted" angle. The other was that the timing is entirely coincidental and there is no spin-doctoring going on. It was almost forks at 5 paces, with no grey area between the two views. Will wait for the facts to emerge before venturing an opinion.

A second hot topic was who will win the next Victorian election. Some of us were rubbing our tiny paws in glee at the results of recent published polls, while others were putting real money on the prospect of Braxtopia remaining a socialist paradise. It's far, far too soon to be wagering cash.

Some amazing stuff out there. Such as this question on Ask An Imam:

Do we believe in the evolution of animals such as birds etc. How old is the earth and for how long has there been life on earth according to Islam. What is the ruling on hair gel.

Somebody is surely taking the piss. Must go to bed before surfing twists my brain past usefulness.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Good Evening

This blog may or may not eventually contain something of interest.