What has stirred me from sloth & torpor is the Kruddfest, awesome in its banality & luvvieness. Christopher Pyne opines - someone called Pyne should opine in my opinion - that it is all the ghosts of Keatings past rising from the pit to which they were consigned by our victory long, long ago. And he's right. The arrogance. The willingness to spend other people's money like pre-1989 koruna. The overwhelmingly airheadedness of the Blanchett bubble & her cohorts. The bloody avalanche of motherhood that flowed from it. With any luck the Australian populace will smell the bulldust pretty damn quick & make the Kruddites a one term government. Please god let it be so.
Bill Leak in the Australian summed up the Kruddfest beautifully. The man deserves an AO for his services to journalism.